AURIGA Real Estate present at SIMA 2023 (Madrid Real Estate Show), the main event in the real estate sector.

AURIGA Real Estate attends one more year to the Real Estate Exhibition of Madrid (SIMA), the main event in the real estate sector. A day of information exchange between the main professionals of the sector, where factors such as financing, supply and demand behavior, new urban developments, price variations of the real estate market are analyzed.

This year 2023, the new housing law that was presented that same day in the BOE and entered into force today May 27, 2023 has been the protagonist. Law that does not leave anyone indifferent to the sector, and that generates great uncertainties to a large part of the real estate developers.

Along with the housing law, technology was very present to improve or reinvent any service in the real estate sector. A real revolution in work procedures for owners, clients, property owners, income management, etc.

AURIGA Real Estate, is a real estate consultancy specialized in advising investors for both investment and divestment of assets, as well as asset valuation and marketing strategies.


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